Sunday, December 2, 2012

How To Build A Forum

Starting a forum is no easy task, trust me I have built several. Yet if built and maintained correctly they can bring you in massive amounts of repeat traffic, which you can use to make money from Google Adsense, or sell advertising space, and at the same time you are building a list of members that you can sell other products to.

First of all you can create a forum on just about anything you can think of, from knitting advice to gardening, to how to build rockets. If it exists on the internet then there will be a forum for it.

That said you can break into a market with a new one, but make no mistake it is not an easy task. For a start in the early days there is dealing with the spam, and trust me the auto-bots out there will throw spam at an un-guarded site like it is going out of fashion. So before even settling on a platform to build one on, do some research about which ones offer the best anti-spam modules to add as plug-ins.

If you set up the anti-spam the right way at the start then your life will be a whole lot easier when it comes to moderating your forum. Get it wrong and you will spend every morning and evening moderating your board.

Now you may pick out your forum software, and if you are competent you may install it yourself, but it involves setting up a database and you may often find that a professional installer can get it done for you in a fraction of the time. Often it is worth paying someone to do this task.

You then have to set up your message board, select the theme (Colours etc) that you want it to look like. Now you may have spent some considerable time doing these things and think it looks great on screen and that people will come flocking along to sign up - wrong! Now you have only done around five percent of the work towards getting your forum running successfully.

The hardest work is yet to come, as your forum is empty and so nobody will sign up to it, so you will need to begin to sign up under multiple names and post a lot to make it look like it is an active forum before people come across it in the search engines and start signing up and posting. You may want consider forum boosting or recruiting the help of a few friends with to get the ball rolling, or offer a prize for the post of the month to incentivise people to join. The hard work is not in building the forum itself, it is in building the membership!

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   

Generating Targeted High Quality Traffic With Forums

Now I will explain how to get the most out of forums, how to use forums to your advantage, the most effective way to generate highly targeted traffic and generate sales and referrals through forums, for this guide we will be using the Money Making Forums List.

Forums are great for many things, you can use them to update yourself about many different topics, you can use forums to learn, to teach, to generate backlink for SEO, to generate traffic, to make friends, to play games, make money, for Paid Advertisement and much more.

Where to start?

The first thing you need to do is to find the forums that best fits your interest and type of opportunity you are promoting, for example. If you are promoting a PTC opportunity then go to the paid to post forums because you will get better results there, if you are promoting a HYIP program then go for the high traffic hyips forums and finally if you are promoting a Multi Level Marketing company then go for the Work At Home forums where you will find serious MLM Marketers.

Basic Steps:

Pick your forums, register and bookmark them on a separate folder on your Bookmarks labeled Forums (useful later) For simplicity use the same Username in all of the forums and choose a password that you can just vary the ending with numbers for each forum, something like "PassWord125″ next forum "PassWord394″, etc, etc. Take your time to populate your profile in each and every forum, write everything down so you can use the same info in all the forums, also recommended to use your photo as your Avatar. Read the Forums rules before doing anything and make sure not to break any rules and don't ever spam is just a waste of time, disgusting and annoying. Each forum has different rules so after reading the rules Edit your Signature this is very important because 90% of the traffic that you will get to your website / product will be through your signature. You will need a nice good looking well formatted signature to get more hits, colors and banners recommended where allowed, see an example... Once all of the above is done, you can make your first post and that should be in the "Introduction Section" always introduce yourself to the forum before posting anywhere else, other active members in the forum will greet you and welcome you and maybe give their support if you need any help.

These are the basic steps before you start to post on forums its good to have everything ready before starting so if anyone is interested in you or what you do they can already see your profile or signature, its also good to provide your contact information for prospects to contact, activate the "receive e-mail from members" feature as it is disabled by default in all the forums.

Now there are two different main ways to generate traffic using forums:

Post content Traffic Mass Posting Traffic

I highly recommend having a blog if you are going to use this source of traffic as one of your main advertising sources, the reason is because Forum members loves blogs, in a way blogs are similar to forums because they are updated and a regular basis, also with a blog you can promote all of your products and programs with the same link not having to promote lots of different links.

1- Post Content Traffic:

This is really simple and you will enjoy generating traffic this way, what you need to do in order to generate this kind of traffic is to go to your area of Knowledge in the forum and look for post and topics where members are discussing this area, all you have to do is share your opinion in details, give insights and support anyone that's in need, comment on other members thoughts and you will see the magic happen. If you post anything that is good to the reader, you will be surprised at how fast they are going to either click on your username or signature to know more about you or what you are doing. You can also start a thread yourself and have people look at it, this way you get more exposure since you are always on top of the thread and everyone sees your signature.

Its not bad to show off your signature that's the main reason is there, so other members can look at it and also so you can promote yourself and Forum that does not allows signature is not good enough for you because you provide them with content and they make money off ads, so you should get rewarded back by having a way to generate income yourself. Whenever you start a thread or post in a thread of your interest always use the Subscribe / Watch / Follow feature and choose the immediate notification through E-mail, what this does is that the forum will send you an e-mail each time someone posts on your thread or where you are posting, this way you don't have to search the forum all over just to find the thread where you posted.

When it comes to giving support and following up with members this feature above is also really helpful as you will know right away when they post, since you receive an email.

2- Mass Posting Traffic:

Some people say this is spam but let me explain the logic reasons why this isn't.

First, I don't Spam! Second, each and every forum has a different membership so if you post a thread about Promoting Banner Ads on MoneyMakerGroup then MoneyMakerGroup members will see that post, if you want DreamTeamMoney members to see your post then you have to post it there too and if you want MoneyFanClub members to also be able to read your post then you have to post it there too and so on, so its pure logic that posting the same content on different forums is not spam, is just expanding the reach of your article which is very good. When it comes to business opportunities its the same as posting your own original content, each forum has its own membership so if I post an update about Trivita, in any forum is only wise to do the same in other forums so a bigger wider membership can read that update.

With that said we can get started.

Lets say you want to start a thread called "10 ways to generate traffic using Forums" in the Webmaster Section of a forum, here is the best way to Mass Post it.

Build your post: Use your primary forum to make your post which includes, title, description and content. Don't use any variable fonts, nor fonts sizes, nor colors because each forums have small variations on how they read / interpret the forum language bbcode, so its good to only use Bold, Links and Images. Now open a Notepad / Wordpad and copy all of your thread information before hitting on Start Thread / Post New Thread, this way you get the core content which includes the bbcode, for example when you use bold fonts you will see the [b] tags, for images you will see the [img] tags, etc. After copying you can hit on Start Thread / Post New Thread. On your browser click on Bookmarks, go to your Forums folder and at the bottom it should say "Open all in tabs" this will open all of your bookmarked forums in the same web browser window. Note: is good to always keep yourself logged into the forums, you can do this by checking the box "Keep me logged in" or "Remember Me" on most forums this way you won't need to log in each time you have to post. In each forum find the right section, click on "Start New Thread" and copy paste your content. Remember to always activate the e-mail notification feature and in some forums you will also need to activate your signature by checking a box that says "Show signature". Traffic will be instant, as soon as you are done posting on each forums you will start to receive visits to your thread which will translate into hits to your signature, visits to your website, sales, etc. If you have any follow up to that same thread, you can repeat 1-3 and when you get to #4 instead of hitting start new thread you go to your own thread and click on "Reply" and add your new post.

This is more or less a simple strategy but it takes some time to get used to it, after you are used to this you can post in over 25 forums in less than 10 minutes if your internet connection is good but even with a slow internet connection you can post in all of the forum sin under 30 minutes, which is really good.


Don't Spam Always Read the Forums rules If you are getting good results with a forum consider Supporting the forum by buying a paid membership or using their Paid Advertising program that's how they generate revenue. Be friendly, Polite, Keep an Open Mind When someone ask a question reply in your thread and use the PM feature (Personal Message) to give additional information and your contact info. Always be accessible give as much contact information as you can, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, Hotmail Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ and even your phone number if you are comfortable with people calling you. If you need any help, just contact me.

That's how you generate traffic using forums, if this method is working for you then support the forums, that's really important! Refer your friends to the forums you use, upgrade to a paid membership most are a one time payment and/or buy ads on that same forum.

If need additional information just feel free to contact me.

Dirson E. Jimenez SANTANA (strosdegoz)

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   

Making Money From Home - Effortless and Fruitful!

Making money from home has secured a popular place today. Keeping in mind the amount of comfort it holds in it and the good amount of money that can be earned, it is hard to resist the offer. Internet has become the base of every business interaction today. The absence of internet can actually cripple the entire working system due to the high dependency. The entry of various businesses over the internet every now and then has also augmented the variety of online jobs available. If you wish to earn decent money without getting entangled in the hassles of going to the office then it is the perfect option for you.

Just as the internet is a vast sea of information of various kinds, it also has a wide range of job options to offer. There are the simple options such as the online surveys, data entry work, etc that are one of the most common jobs people take up. There are diverse companies who pay good amount of money for per these kinds of work on a per day basis or even every hour. If you have the skill to convince and promote different products then selling various products or services is the ideal choice. If you have a flair for writing and have the creative mind too, then content writing could be one of the most interesting online jobs for making money from home.

Most of the above mentioned jobs do not envelope any sort of investment from your side. Apart from the usual ones, making money from internet marketing forums, content writing for blogs, affiliate marketing, email marketing is also very interesting choice. Whether you believe it or not but a huge number of people are making money online. Initially it may seem a little difficult to sink in the methods and basis of the work you choose. However, with time you will be able to achieve good money and control over your work.

One of the most pleasing factors of working online is that your home becomes your work place without inviting the unwanted issues of a usual office! The skill of using the internet along with the computer is the basic requisite a novice needs to fulfill. The eligibility also does not emphasize upon your age or qualification as long as you do a decent job. You may be surprised and even perplexed to see the nearly unlimited diversity of jobs on the internet. The key is to comprehend your requirement, interest and time availability to opt for the best online work for making money from home.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   

Your Health and Usenet Newsgroups

Information about maintaining and improving your health is all over the Internet. Of course, if you have any critical thinking skills, you already know that a lot of it is not very accurate or reliable. On the Usenet system, however, the situation is a bit different. Not only is their good information about ailments and other health conditions, there's also a lot of good information about staying healthy in general.

The Usenet system is one of the oldest extant social networking services. It's based on newsgroups, which provide a way for people to post questions or information and for others to reply to them. It's very much like an Internet forum with one important difference: the community is generally much more concerned about the quality of the information presented than they are on the average Internet forum.

Where health information is concerned, the Usenet has a lot to offer. You're more likely to meet a real marathon runner who will give you advice on running on Usenet than you are on most Internet forums. On many Internet forums, the advice you get about jogging will likely include a lot of links to shoe store, clothing stores and personal trainers. This advertising disguised as advice is much rarer on the Usenet, according to studies that have actually been done on the subject.

For a new user, the Usenet system can be a bit intimidating. The technology that drives it and the interface you use to read it are both likely to seem very new to those who are accustomed to Internet forums. Asking a question on these newsgroups, however, is the best way to see why people like it. Ask a pertinent question in a health-related newsgroup and people will respond and, oftentimes, they'll respond with information that makes it apparent that they're real experts in the subject they're talking about. If you're familiar with Internet forums, you'll readily understand how much this differentiates the Usenet system from those venues.

Usenet has a lot to offer for health-related issues. If you're looking to take up mountain biking, you'll probably get a lot of advice off of the newsgroups and may even meet some people to go biking with. Being part of a Usenet newsgroup means that you're part of a rather exclusive community-ironically, anyone really can join a group-that maintains its exclusively by weeding out users who don't know what they're talking about. If someone posts a link to an advertising site under the guise of giving advice, the moderators will likely can the article and the person who posted it. This makes it a lot more reliable and, where health information is concerned, reliability is imperative.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   

Make Use Of Discussion Board Forums Online

While learning how to make money online, make use of discussion board forums online.  They are a tremendous way of hearing feedback, often very soon, very various individuals across the world wide web.  With a simple internet search, you should be able to find quite a few message boards.  Even for general topics, forums are becoming very popular as they forum communities of discussion, learning, and entertainment.  So as you learn more about the intricacies of affiliate marketing, find a forum or two to gain feedback and learn from others.

There are many, many discussion board forums online.  They range from very large interest, such as weight loss, to esoteric, such as what film to use to shoot a mountain.  It should be no surprise that the online industry of affiliate marketing has its own forums as well; after all, these people make their money online.  These websites have their own subtopic discussion to get to even the more specific aspects of affiliate marketing.  Because of the ability to ask specific questions, it makes it very helpful.

People visit discussion board forums for affiliate marketing to be able to help and ask questions.  People who are new generally ask questions regarding specific topics and feedback for what they do.  They do not have much to offer, besides good faith that they will return the favor of their expertise once they gain that information and experience (I have also heard about people finding mentors and sharing profits, so there is that reciprocity).  The more experienced members of forums, which are the "help" forums like affiliate marketing, stick around to help new members.  They may or may not learn anything new after a certain point, but they like to stick around to help the newest generation.  This is the community for which online forums are famous.

Although, from one way or another, you can probably learn everything you want about affiliate marketing without becoming a member of a discussion board, you will probably want feedback and advice from veteran affiliate marketers.  By stopping in at some forum, you will learn something you did not know ever existed before, and hear reviews from other members of the site.  At times, it can be difficult to hear the nitty-gritty details from articles and tutorials, but having someone tell you something point-blank is very nice.  Ostensibly, internet marketers are good at internet related topics, so make use of discussion board forums online.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   Forums Are Great Websites For Sharing Ideas, Opinions, and Information About Specific Subjects   

Emotion Icons: Smile, Wink and Flirt Without a Single Word

Before your smug and smarmy teen gets carried away about his texting prowess and how his is the generation that revolutionized communication, you might want to pass on a few bits of information about the emotion icons that will really pop his bubble and break his little teen heart. The next time that child rolls his eyes and thinks he is getting one over on you, these are the things that you need to tell him.

Number one: Emotion icons, also referred to as emoticons, have been around since the 19th century and were largely used in letters between friends and family to emphasize a point. Amusingly enough, there are Morse Code codes that were used to represent emotions, including one that was referred to as hugs and kisses but changed to mean something a little less boisterous.

Number two: This one may make your children cringe with embarrassment as well as teach them some history in the process, a double burn in the world of the teen. An 1862 speech written by Abraham Lincoln is thought to contain an example of an emotion icon. While there is some debate among the scholars about whether that was meant to be a real emotion icon or was rather just a coincidental typo, it can serve your purpose very nicely. How cool is Mr. Slouch and Mope going to feel if he is using the very same emotion icon that Mr. Lincoln did centuries ago? Just imagine your child's face when he digests the knowledge that Mr. Lincoln might have "LOLed" while writing a speech.

Number three: Perhaps the most famous and recognizable emotion icon is the smiley face, first used in 1963 to bump up the morale of the employees of a local insurance company. Simple and happy, the smiley face has been on everything from pins and stickers to clothing, notebooks and everything in between.

Number four: The teens in one country are not the only ones using emotion icons- there are other teens in other countries using their own versions as well. In fact, teens who are members of sites that connect them with teens from other countries might be better acquainted with that fact as they learn these from their international friends.

While most people simply use the little icons in the drop down menu, there is some advantage to learning your favorite emoticons using punctuation, letters and numbers.

There are times when you are just not going to get the right effect from those emotion icons that are there for you, so you have to make your own.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   

What Nobody Will Tell You About a Forum

There are several things about creating a forum that nobody in general will tell you and you have to learn the hard way.

Firstly you need to decide on what forum software you want to use, there are free to use open source ones, as well as paid options e.g. you buy the software to run your forum.

The open source forum software is great as it is free to download and install, however in the event of any problem there is nobody to phone up for help, although posting on one of the user run support forums should help you get most problems sorted out. In addition you can get someone to install it for you very cheaply if you are not up to the task of installing it your self.

Or you could buy forum software, and at the same time you can pay to have it installed, although this is rather expensive when buying it from the supplier directly and you would save a lot of money by buying a forum installation service from a third party.

If you choose to buy your forum software rather than using free open source forum software, then you can also take out a telephone support contract. This is probably advisable if it is your first installation.

Also when building a forum you need to think about moderating it. Whilst you may have been on forums and seen relatively little spam, that is because someone will be working in the background to combat it - If you own a forum it will be down to you to do this task so do not underestimate how much work it takes.

Also you need to think about how you are going to pre-populate your forum, as you can have the best niche in the World, and the best looking forum in the World but without any posts, no one will join or begin posting. So you need to think about how you will go about doing this.

One option is to ask people you know off of other forums to help out and do a few posts, the other option is to get your friends to help you out with posting. However both of these methods offer no guarantee of the number of posts that people will do. So your other option would be forum boosting, whereby you employ a team of professionals to help create posts and threads in order to jump start you forum into life.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   

What Is Godwin's Law?

Shrill, hysterical, hyperbolic and vitriolic are all adjectives that can be used to describe certain Internet debates. When the debates go on for long enough, Godwin's Law sometimes kicks in, and it describes the usual next step in a spirited debate that just won't die.

There's probably no group of people more synonymous with hatred, bigotry and violence than Hitler and the Nazi party. Godwin's Law states that, after a certain point, it's almost inevitable that any Internet conversation is going to devolve to the point where somebody gets called a Nazi or where their beliefs get compared to those of a Nazi. Specifically, the law is: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." This is the quote as reported by Wired magazine.

The Unskilled Debater

Because this comparison is so overused and usually inappropriate, there is an unspoken rule that whoever makes the Hitler or the Nazi comparison first automatically loses the debate. If somebody makes such a comparison on a USENET thread, it's not uncommon for the thread to be abandoned altogether and for the conversation to shift somewhere else. Be aware, however, that nobody is likely to consider you the winner of the debate if you make a ridiculous comparison between somebody's beliefs and the ideology of the Third Reich.

There is a variation on this law called Godwin's Law by Proxy. This is an instance where a debater who has nothing intelligent left to say makes hyperbolic comparison to a hated historical figure other than Hitler. Essentially, they are just replacing Hitler and the Nazis with somebody else: Stalin, Mussolini, fascists and so forth are common proxies for Hitler and the Third Reich in Internet debates.

Stifling Intelligent Debate

There are cases where a comparison to Hitler or the policies of the Third Reich are completely appropriate. You might see such comparisons made in political science forums when different forms of government are being discussed or in economic forums where different economic policies are being discussed. When these comparisons are made in ways that aren't hyperbolic, they are usually defined by addressing the substance and the subject of what is being debated, rather than being outright attacks on the personality or the ethics of the other individual involved in the debate. Unfortunately, Godwin's Law or, more appropriately, the activity that it describes, oftentimes makes it impossible for people to have rational debates about political ideas on the Internet and on the USENET system.

Don't Fall For It

USENET debates have a way of becoming very passionate. No matter how involved you get in a debate in no matter how much somebody's opinions offend you, don't fall into the trap of comparing them to a reviled historical figure simply to disparage them personally. Nobody's buying it and, unfortunately, you end up making yourself look like a fool rather than making them look like a fascist. There are better ways to win a debate, especially on USENET where logic, intelligence and respect tend to go a long way.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   

How to Grow Your Online Shopping Cart Sales Via Forum Marketing

Forum marketing is a great way for you to start to build your business. While there are a number of different approaches people take, it will be important that you keep in mind that there are going to be some important items you need to note to be effective with this type of Internet marketing.

1. Actively participate on any forum you are using for your niche or industry marketing. Check the first few posts attached to the top of main forum areas first though, known as 'stickies' for the rules and regulations. For instance, you may not be allowed to have more than a few lines in your signature, plus any links there must be your own, no affiliate links.

2. Have your forum marketing stay with websites that hold a similar interest in your product and services. It makes little sense to try and market your product to people who will not be interested in it, so try to think about areas that have people interacting who might enjoy what you are offering.

3. Avoid spamming the forum you are working on. While you might have new specials daily, you will need to keep it down to an occasional post about what you have to offer, and then only in areas where this type post is allowed. If you see a person who could benefit from your services, then you will certainly want to discuss the possibility with them, too, via a private message (PM) if possible.

4. Ensure you always deliver on your promise. The second you mess up and don't follow through with a promise on the forum, you will find that any future advertisements you place aren't effective. Keep that in mind when you are looking to build up a connection with people.

5. Offer forum only exclusives. You will find that most people are willing to give you a shot if they are getting an exclusive deal. Try to come up with some effective ideas to help you get the most out of your forum marketing experience.

Be sure you take a careful approach to this form of marketing. You don't want to flood or spam any message board and then be banned from it. So think carefully about what you want to say and then proceed at a very minimalistic pace.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   

Would Forums Exist If Not for Opportunity Seekers and Freeloaders?

Why I am writing this article.

I was participating on a fairly well known forum today and another member started berating one person for being an opportunity seeker then started in on freeloaders. This made me a little angry at first but did make me think about it quite a bit more. I then realized that this particular forum would not exist if it were not for opportunity seekers and freeloaders. After i started making a list of reasons why this forum would not exist if it were not for opportunity seekers or freeloaders I came to the conclusion that I did not know of any forums that this did not apply to. Therefore I decided that this would be an ezine article instead of a reply in the forum.

Opportunity seekers:

People Looking for the opportunity to sell.

1) Every person that is a member of a forum with a signature link is an opportunity seeker. They are hoping that someone will notice their signature and click on their link giving them the opportunity to make a sale. This is especially true for those that have the largest, longest, most colorful signature links available on the forum i was on at the time since they sell the right to make linkable signatures.

2) There are opportunity seekers that post on forums looking for the opportunity to drop a link to their website in a post.

People Looking for an Opportunity to Buy a Product.

1) This particular forum has a sub forum for people to sell their internet marketing information, programs, widgets, ebooks, plugins and whatever else they can think of to sell. Most forums I have been on have a classifieds section and sell advertising on the forum making the forum itself an opportunity seeker. This attracts people looking for the opportunity to buy something.

People looking for an opportunity to share knowledge.

1) Those that give out free knowledge are the smallest percent of the people who visit forums. Take a look at the posting rate on any forum. In my experience the number of visitors, lurkers and question askers dwarf the number of people actually handing out advice and information. With that being said on some forums the only reason some of these members have such high post rates giving the illusion that they are giving knowledge freely is because every time they make a post to answer a question they have the opportunity to make a sale.

2) The people who are on a forum seeking the opportunity to learn. Isn't that the reason that most people go to a forum in the first place? They have a question and what better place to find a free answer than a forum on that topic? If not for these people looking for an opportunity to get their question answered most forums would have no reason to exist leaving the other types of opportunity seekers out in the cold.


What would a freeloader on a forum be? Someone looking for something for nothing would be the obvious answer. One would think these would be guests and lurking members that never make a post or people who freely take information without giving any back. My answer is since the majority of most forums i have seen are made up of these types of people then the stats for most forums would not be high enough to gain advertising revenues therefore the forum would die a slow death. Very few forums are run as a labor of love.

My Conclusion is that no forums would exist if it were not for opportunity seekers and freeloaders of one sort or another. What do you think?

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Forums Are Great Websites For Sharing Ideas, Opinions, and Information About Specific Subjects   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   

Increasing Web Traffic From Forum Discussion - Do It The Right Way!

To get an increasing web traffic via forum, you need to know the right way of doing it.

First of all, visit a few forums on the internet. See what people are talking about nowadays that are related to your product or services. You will get an idea of what kind of information people are looking for and how their thought process is like. That will help you to help them eventually.

Then, choose the forum which you think you can serve best.

Once you have identified the forum, sign up. Remember, the worst thing you can do when trying to generate traffic from a forum is to sign up, and immediately post a message asking the community to buy from you. That is a so wrong approach and must be avoided altogether.

Instead, you need to spend time at the forum with the community. Build the relationship and rapport. Contribute and give value to the community. Participate in discussion. Provide helps and support to the members when possible. This is important to your long term plan to get an increasing web traffic from the forum.

Once you have built your name and credibility and viewed as part of the community, people will start to trust you. Then, the community may want to know you and your website or product. Of course, you have to remain active and continue to contribute to the community to maintain your status in the community.

A more straight forward and simpler way to get an increasing web traffic from forum is to put a signature file at the end of your post that includes your URL or website. When you are already a trusted figure in your community, people will take notice.

While website traffic that one can get from forums is very much targeted, the traffic that you may get could be very little at times. Further, you need to spend time to contribute and build the relationship before you should ask your community member to buy from you. You also have to remain active in the discussion to maintain this stream of targeted traffic.

So, getting an increasing web traffic by using forum discussion may not be right for some of you who prefer a simpler, faster and autopilot traffic.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   

What Is Forum Boosting?

You may have heard of forum boosting or you may not have. Well if you have not and you have just started off building a forum, you may have put a lot of effort into building your forum, uploading a nice theme and logo. You also believe you have the latest hot topic that will have people flocking to your new forum, signing up, and you will be looking at getting a massive amount of traffic. But wait? Suddenly you get nobody signing up and no traffic - Well if that is the case then you need to find out about forum boosting.

To get your forum rocking you need lots of new threads and posts, and to do this you need new members. Well it is a catch 22 situation, the more posts your it has the more members you will get joining, but with out new members you will not get new posts or threads.

Well the solution is to use a forum boosting services. These are online companies that will help you in the early stages of building your forum. You can buy various packages from these companies, and they will literally get a team of people to sign up as new members on your forum and begin posting and putting new threads on to your new forum.

These services do vary in price, but in all instances what you want is a service that guarantees quality posts for your site. You may not consider buying in these services initially but the vast majority of people now realise that using one of them is the fastest way to get your site off the ground and attracting real traffic volumes.

Always look for one that offers at least fifteen words per thread or more. You do not just want a load of comments like "Nice idea". You want things like "Whilst it is a nice idea have you considered looking at the following alternatives which may be far cheaper". See the difference? One is junk the other is meaningful. People will not sign up just to look at a load of junk.

Your content must be informative otherwise people will just visit the once and never come back. Also Google loves fresh content. The more of it you have the more it comes back and spiders your site. So if you are struggling to get your nice new forum up and running then consider forum boosting.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   

How A Usenet Server Works

Think of Usenet as a giant, worldwide electronic bulletin board. Anyone can freely post something on this bulletin board. Everyone else can read the posted items and add their own items. These voluntary contributions and free exchange of information are the foundation of the Internet. Usenet allows people on the Internet to share their opinions and experiences, openly and freely, on a level playing field. No one has priority or seniority over anyone else. Usenet gives everyone an equal opportunity to participate in the discussions.

Communication through Newsgroups

Usenet consists of many, ongoing discussions, dealing with a wide variety of subjects. The topics relate to both work and leisure. Usenet tries to encompass only those people interested in a particular topic by dividing the subject areas into newsgroups. Each newsgroup involves one subject or topic. Some newsgroups deal with very specific topics, for example a newsgroup for car pictures in the 1970's, could be called ''.

There are other groups that are more general in nature, for example a newsgroup for Nature pictures of all sorts is alt.binaries.picture.nature. Tens of thousands of newsgroups exist today and many more are added on a daily basis. Some of them are applicable to a global audience; others are more applicable to a country, city, or organization. Most of the newsgroups are available to everyone on the Internet.

What is a Newsgroup Server

When someone posts a message in a newsgroup, it is first stored on his/her Usenet provider's news server. That server then distributes copies of the message to its peers, that is, to other servers with which it has agreed to exchange newsgroup messages directly. Those servers then distribute copies to their peers, and so on, until all the servers which carry that newsgroup have a copy of the message.

Therefore, the better peering relations a Usenet provider has established with its peers, the more information and articles that provider's customers will have access to. When someone reads a message in a newsgroup, he/she is reading the copy that is stored on his/her provider's news server. This server is also commonly referred to as a "newsgroup server," or a server that hosts specific newsgroups and the articles they contain. Newsgroup servers can host tens of thousands of different newsgroups that you can easily subscribe to (and unsubscribed when no longer interested in a particular newsgroup).

How Usenet Servers Work

Every Usenet server keeps track of its articles using an index file. When a new article comes in or is posted directly by a client, the Newsgroup server makes a note in its index file so that it can quickly locate that article again in the future. This index file tells the server exactly where to look to retrieve that specific article, next time a user requests that article.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

What Is Paid Posting?

It is really tough to create an active online discussion site. A lot of sign-ups plus active posters are required. You may ask this question: Is it really that difficult? It is indeed very challenging! If you own a community forum, you know what I mean. This article is a perfect read for those who do not have a discussion board at present.

Paid forum posting is not really a new concept. To put it shortly, it is basically posting at forums. So, what is so magnificent about this whole concept? Well, usually, individuals post at online forums if they want to talk about a particular topic or if they want to ask something.. They do this on their own free will and for free. What happens if nobody posts at your online community forum? Your beloved online discussion site is probably going to die. There are a couple of choices: You can make several personas or you just chat with yourself. In all honesty, this is really disheartening. Not only is it dispiriting, it defeats the entire idea of creating an internet forum. You build online community forums for open debates and for camaraderie. Sometimes, online discussion sites are developed for businesses. Your internet forum is judged as uninteresting and in the end a failure if nobody wants to post.

So what is the solution for this? You can hire a paid poster! You can pay an individual or a couple of people to create valuable posts at your internet forum. Alternatively, you can contact an established paid posting company. Since you are transacting with a company, this tends to be safe. Forum posting service companies are more reliable and trustworthy.

Will I exhaust my financial resources if I hire these forum posters? Truthfully, no. You just have to pay a couple of cents per post. You can purchase a few posts or 1000 posts. It is entirely up to you! You can also agree on the length of time. You can ask them to finish off the posts in a day or a week or maybe even up to one month!

You may want to employ forum posters to make your forum enticing. Once people notice that your online discussion site is fascinating, they will be encouraged to post as well. People usually want to sign-up at an active internet forum. They want a message board with many members and exciting subjects. This is without a doubt a perfect time to look for forum posters if you are stressed with getting registered members. They will clearly make your online community forum lively and exciting. If you are not up for paying people to post, you can also try swapping forum posts with other forum owners as an alternative.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   

Five Reasons An eBay Seller Should Join An Online Business Forum

A business forum is the online version of a trade show or business conference. People from the industry-traders, suppliers, wholesalers, eBay sellers-are brought together on these forums. They ask questions, share advice, find clients, recommend traders, and find suppliers or customers. Here are the best reasons for joining a business forum.

1. A business forum is the ideal place to find expert advice and help with questions such as:

* How dropshipping works * How much shipping costs * How to ensure product quality * Getting great eBay reviews * Creating an e-commerce website * Pricing and promoting products * How to find the best suppliers * Licenses, taxes, and other legal issues

2. An online business forum is usually free to join. It costs nothing, and the seller gets the same help and expert advice that they find through paid resources, such as e-books and directories. This is not to say paid sources of information are not good enough. Many paid directories contain valid information, such as supplier contacts and addresses. However, if you are just starting out in business or want additional information not found through publications, join a forum.

3. Avoid dropshipping scams by accessing reviews on wholesalers and suppliers before placing orders. Visit any business forum, and you'll find posts such as "Is XYZ legit?" or "Has anyone dropshipped with ABC Wholesalers?" If sellers do not find anything relevant, then they can create threads of their own.

4. Many sellers have found new ideas by brainstorming with other sellers online. Wholesalers, suppliers, and sellers often provide enough input for the seller to be able to decide on a niche or discover a new, profitable niche that he or she likes and finds interesting (one of the rules of selecting a niche is that, besides being profitable, it should also interest the seller). Some sellers get fresh ideas after going through new dropship offers advertised by wholesalers. For example, a pallet of cheap toys promoted by a supplier on a forum will be bought by a reseller who wants to use the toys to attract buyers to his or her new product line.

5. A business forum is safe. Members are not under any obligation to use their real names when posting to threads. Be careful to use online handles that do not look out of sync with the requirements of the business. Few forumers want to speak to someone with an inappropriate handle, particularly in connection with business. The forum posts are moderated; and therefore, the website is workplace safe. Only regular forum participants are allowed to send you private messages.

To find wholesalers, suppliers, and dropshipping experts, join a business forum and explore all the options it provides.

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits   Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Forums Are Great Websites For Sharing Ideas, Opinions, and Information About Specific Subjects   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   

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